Issue #13: Special Report from Sweden #2
Your favorite team of food scientists have now returned from Sweden, and are suffering (well, I am) from a total darknez horror hangover. The party (Deadline) wasn't too awesome, but the trip was great! We had some drinks, ate stuff, had some more drinks, and had a few drinks more to top off the previous drinks. But this blog isn't about parties, but about food, so let's concentrate on the steak I ate for a while.

The only option was with fries and bearnaise sauce, but for 55 kronor (about 5 euros I suppose), I'm not complaining. I had just had some wok so it felt really silly to eat more but oh well, I was slightly hung over. The taste was mediocre at best, the fries were soggy and the sauce was a total wtf experience. But, like I said, 55 kronor.
After this culinary orgasm, we progressed to a bar next to the partyplace, which had some really lovely communist art in the ceiling.

We had some beers, mostly Karhu III (which was 5,3% for some reason!) and some other beer. But if I thought that the steak was bad, I was totally in for a surprise.

I present to you: Strömming på knäcke. This was probably the strangest thing I've ever eaten. We pondered about the possibilities of this lovely delicacy the day before at the same bar, but on Saturday evening we finally took the plunge and bought one.

It was awful. How can a living, breathing human being have come up with such a dreadful fucking snack? Seriously, imagine being at a bar, and you're looking through the list of snacks. You know, the usual: chips, toast, perhaps a weird beer sausage or something. But fucking herring on crispbread?! The idea itself is so fucking absurd that I can't even imagine how someone has come up with it. I mean, I like herring, and I like crispbread. But somehow, these fucking Swedes totally managed to fuck it all up. It was incredible.

So after that, I grabbed a toast. It included tomate, bacon and cheese. Contrary to the herring disaster, it was very tasty. But boring. So we decided to go to the partyplace and check out some compos. But the problem was that we hadn't quite finished our beers yet, so we did the only logical thing there was to do: we stole the pints and ran out. Apparently the staff ran after us, I can't remember. Funny shit.

Turns out that we managed to become unpopular at some weird swedish train station pub because of stuff like this:

My mind is kinda blurry after this, but we wanted more beer so we started walking someplace far away to find some 7-11 that was open 24/7. We didn't find anything, so we called a cab and told the driver to take us to some store where we can buy beer. He obliged, and we bought six folköl and went back to the partyplace. Maitotuote was tired so he went to sleep, but me and anmllxvkcvs stood outside for a few hours and drank our beers. Then it was bedtime...

After a very disappointing prizegiving ceremony, we headed to Slussen to get some beer. We finally found some bar, where we drank a few Norrlands Guld. (pictured) We then headed to Taco Bar to get some uh, tacos, which tasted great. It was time to go back to Finland, so we went to the harbor and checked in. We then drank insane amounts of beer on the boat, made complete fools out of ourselves, and got back home safely.
Cool trip, fist up!

oh and we also did this cool advert during the trip
..that beef with pommes. Looks so great! I am hungry now! Don't get me started, and I really wanted to start a diet (maybe from tomorrow ;)
BEER!!! Oh boy..
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