Issue #5: xcvznklövzxcönlkj
Hello, I've been out drinking today, and as such I've only managed to grab one picture.

I had about five of these. (Olvi III) Didn't taste that great, although the taste did get better after a few beers. Afterwards, I mixed Saaremaa 80% with some keltainen Jaffa and got really drunk. Taste was OK too, although I could still taste the Saaremaa in the delicious Jaffa. Drinking some more of the magic potion fixed that problem somewhat. Then, I went to another bar (or whatever) and had some more beers. After that, I went to a second place and had even more beers. Then, I went to a third place and totally lost count. Also, at this point, I didn't really give a flying fuck about the taste of beer.
Now I'm at home wondering why everything kinda sucks.
Perfect evening, in other words!
Very positive fist up!

i might add that i'm not feeling very hot after sleeping a little!
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